Sunday, August 27, 2006

My current best friend

seems to be National Public Radio. Since I live alone and don't have much work to do yet, or a TV, or social interaction, I have a lot of empty lonely space to fill. NPR rides with me in the car, greets me when I come into my apartment, and keeps me company while I'm here. News, Car Talk, A Prairie Home Companion, a conference on the Vietnam War, Celtic music, stories from Katrina victims. I'm even hearing repeats of everything.


Maura said...

I hear reruns too! Matt told me that that is not supposed to happen and that I must listen to more NPR than anyone else in the world...but not EVERYONE else.

Do you get Diane Rehm down there? Because she is my biggest girl-crush ever.

andi said...

I listened to her show today, but there was a guest host so I haven't been able to develop a crush yet.

Maura said...

Yeah, the subsitute sucks - brace yourself, when Diane gets back the sparks will fly.

I'm Jennifer said...

Car Talk on Saturday mornings and Jazzy or Classical music and News when I'm fixing dinner on weekday evenings: LOVE IT! Now I'll think of you listening along. Even while you're in NC, we're still connected by the radio waves. Miss you!