Sunday, June 14, 2009

Flag Day

Today, June 14, is Flag Day. It's also my Dad's birthday. He is pretty excited his birthday is always on Flag Day, and he always wears a flag shirt to commemorate. My Dad has always told me that Flag Day was started in 1949 by President Truman, which is extra exciting for Dad because that's the year he was born (hello 60!). However, I heard a story on the radio on Friday that said Woodrow Wilson started Flag Day in 1916. I immediately picked up the phone to confront my father on this huge discrepancy in the story he has told me my whole life.

Turns out he and the radio were both right. Whew.

You can learn more here, but the gist is that the design for our national flag was approved by the Continental Congress on 14 June 1777, Woodrow Wilson established a national Flag Day in 1916, and the day was actually signed into law in 1949.

Happy Flag Day, and Happy Birthday Dad!

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