Saturday, March 19, 2011

still running

So next weekend I'm running in a 10 mile race. I really liked training for and running the half marathon last year, and this year I chose this race instead since I don't have as much time to train anymore (plus the 10-miler is a lot cheaper). I've only been running three days a week, with medium runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays and a longer run on the weekend. Today I ran my last long run before the race, 8 miles. I haven't been getting a whole lot faster than last year, but I also haven't taken the time and effort to actually work at getting faster. But that's okay. For now.

As soon as the 10-miler is over I will begin training for the same uphill 5k I did last year. Josh decided he would do it with me again, so we are going to work at the gym on things that will make us good at running straight up for a mile. It'll be hard core.

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