Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Last Saturday was my birthday. It was kind of a big one, so I spread out the birthday love.

A week and a half before my birthday the girls in my small group surprised me with snacks and dessert with candles and wine.

The Thursday before Saturday I went to dinner with some girls to celebrate my birthday. We ate at Monsoon Siam and got to sit outside and it was great. Then we went across the street to see the David Wax Museum perform, and that show was so fun. A few of us also followed that up with a drink on the downtown mall. I was out until 1am on a work night, but the sleep deprivation was worth it.

Saturday I went for an 8 mile run, then a friend took me to lunch downtown. After that I spent many hours hanging out in the sun at the Tom Tom Festival listening to music and eating a gourmet picnic basket and having an all around great Saturday. That was followed by a snack at a restaurant with friends and more music.

Music at The Garage

Sunday I drove to Richmond, where my whole (Richmond) family joined me for lunch. Unfortunately we couldn't get one table to fit us all, but it was still nice to see everyone. That was followed by spending a few hours hanging out on my aunt's new deck. It was such a beautiful weekend and I was happy to spend most of it outside.

Lunch with my grandparents and aunt. (More family members were at different tables.)
 And finally, today at work a coworker brought cake to celebrate my birthday.

Thanks to all the friends, family, and coworkers who helped me celebrate and were willing to spread it out beyond the 13th!

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