Sunday, February 16, 2014

nothing new, just the same triathlon obsession

I haven't posted in a while because I don't have much to talk about other than my obsession with triathlon. It's settled down a little, but there were nights a few weeks ago when I stayed up too late reading triathlon blogs and then couldn't fall asleep for a long time because I just kept thinking about swimming and biking and running. I even spent an entire Saturday at an Endurance Athlete Symposium just to learn more and hang out with triathletes. (And don't worry, I was sure to throw away my fast-food soda cup before I entered the building after my lunch break so no one else would see that I'm not really a healthy triathlete. Yet.)

I've been sticking to my own base-building workout plan, with hopes that I can start a real triathlon training plan in a couple weeks. I was feeling really good about it too, but this past week I had a tiny little bump. My IT band was feeling tight again, though there wasn't any real pain. Tuesday my PT said I should be okay and can keep running, I just need to listen to my body and make sure I have good rest days.

That really confounded me for a little while. How am I supposed to have rest days (as in, more than one per week) when I'm going to have nine workouts to do every week? I like training programs because I like having everything I'm supposed to do laid out in front of me, and then I just do what it says. Skipping a workout really throws me off. It makes me feel like I'm cheating. But I went ahead and skipped the bike on Wednesday and a swim + run on Thursday. Luckily we also had a lot of snow, so I could use that to really validate my excuse for not exercising. Saturday I still biked (inside on my trainer) for an hour, and today I ran 3.75 miles. We'll see how this coming week goes.

My log.
I really wish this injury would completely go away already. It happened in early September. I'm more than ready to pick another big goal and spend months working on it. Please.

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