Sunday, June 01, 2014

awesome things that happened this weekend:

  • Saturday I rode 60 miles outside. I went to Scottsville and followed a route I found online. This should have been my third 60-miler. The first one I did I think still counts, even though it was on the trainer (for 4 hours). The second was supposed to be last weekend but I ran out of time before a big family event in Richmond and only did 43 miles. But yesterday was legit. The weather was nice. The route, for the most part, wasn't too scary. And when dogs ran at me on three separate occasions I was never bitten or crashed or panicked too much.
  • After my ride, and a short run, I hung out briefly at the pool with a friend.
  • Then I made an offer on a townhouse, and we eventually came to an agreement. So I've got a contract to buy a place! Still lots to be done before it's all finalized, but this is exciting.
  • Sunday I got up early and ran 14 miles around town. At one point I saw a groundhog that ran into a little ditch but then peered back out at me. We locked eyes for a few seconds and I said "hello!"
  • After my run (and some stretching and foam rolling) I swam 2200 meters. I was supposed to swim 2400 meters, but I ran out of time.
  • I ran out of time because I was meeting friends to go watch polo! A local winery has polo every Sunday during the summer, and though I've heard about it for years this was my first visit. It's a great time to sit out on the grass and eat a picnic and drink wine and look at the beautiful scenery with mountains and see horses run around.
  • After church this evening I went to dinner with some other friends and we got to sit outside. Then I went to an outdoor concert and listened to fun old-timey music. I also saw my first fireflies of the season!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on maybe possibly buying your first place! Keep us posted about how it goes.
