Saturday, July 12, 2014

beach time

Last weekend I went with family to the beach! They stayed all week but alas, I could only stay two nights. It was a good short beach break though.

Saturday I drove to Richmond to meet up with them, then drove the van with Grandpa to Sandbridge (in Virginia Beach). We all stopped at the Virginia Diner along the way for lunch.

As soon as we arrived to our beach-front condo Grandpa made a beeline for the balcony to enjoy the view. So we sat out there with some drinks and snacks and reveled in seeing the ocean.

Sunni and her friends made their beeline for the beach.
 Later in the afternoon I went for a walk on the beach.
Beach sighting!
Sunday I went out to lunch with Sunni and her friends, but otherwise I stayed inside all day. It was windy out and I didn't think going to the beach would be relaxing. Sunday was also my aunt's birthday, so that night we had a nice big meal and hung out singing show-tunes and telling stories late into the night.
Sunday morning sunrise.
 Monday I finally lay in the sun and went in the water with Sunni. I love jumping waves. The water was really cold though, so we just went back and forth between the cold water and the hot sandy beach. It was fun and relaxing. And of course it required recovering with a nap as soon as we got back inside. I did a little more hanging out after that, but then left around 6:30 and drove back home.

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