Wednesday, April 15, 2015

T minus 3 days

In three days I'm running the Blue Ridge Marathon again. I'm both excited and nervous. Excited that I made it through marathon training injury free and excited for race weekend in Roanoke. But nervous about all those uphills and downhills. I don't feel like I got quite as much elevation training this cycle, or at least not long and high enough. But it's also kind of impossible to really replicate the course conditions without going to Roanoke.

Anyway, I don't really have serious goals for this race, but I would like to make it up all three mountains without any walking during the uphills. I know I will likely need to take some walking breaks for the sake of my IT band and possible knee pain, but I'd prefer to do those on flat sections, or maybe downhills. A PR would also be nice, but I'm not going to push myself too hard for the sake of time. I want to enjoy the race (even though I know it will be really painful and miserable at times) and come out injury free.

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