Saturday, February 27, 2016

February updates

Remember that cough I had back in November and December (and January)? It came back a little last week. I thought I was pretty much better, and had started running a couple times a week on the treadmill at the gym. (Because even though I prefer to run outside, I was trying to be smart and not run in the cold, knowing it would probably make me cough.) I did a little swimming too, and some bike riding on the trainer. Then I decided it was okay to start training for a half ironman. So I started last week. Tuesday I rode 40 minutes on the trainer, Wednesday I swam 800 meters and ran 4 miles on the treadmill, and Thursday I did another 40 minutes on the bike. But Thursday I also started coughing again. I decided I'd better not swim and run on Friday. Then I went ahead and quit the triathlon training.

The cough isn't really that bad, it's just not letting me move on with my exercise life. I haven't run outside since early December. However, I'm keeping a good attitude. I'm giving myself a few more weeks off, and then will attempt triathlon training again in mid-March. And in the meantime, I'm trying to be smart and healthy so I'll finally get 100% well.

And in other non-news, I've started doing this semester's dissertation research! I need to spend a lot more time doing it, but starting is half the battle, right?

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