A few weeks ago at work I found an old voucher for "velocipede fixtures," and I thought to myself, what the heck is a
velocipede? I did a little internet research, and among other things I discovered there is a
Velocipede Museum in Delaware.
So Josh and I went for a visit.

They had lots of velocipedes and boneshakers and bicycles. (They also had a room with lots of Tigger stuff...not sure about the connection.) And like any good museum, they let you get "hands on," so I sat on a giant velocipede.

The Velocipede Museum happens to be in historic
New Castle. I am ashamed to admit that I did not know a single thing about New Castle. It is a great little historic area, like a mini Williamsburg but without the fifty dollar fee or the dressed up interpreters. We visited the Old Court House, which was also the colonial capitol and first state capitol. (Apparently the arc at the top of Delaware was determined by a twelve-mile radius from the cupola of the building.) A nice man gave us our own private tour of the place and taught us all about New Castle and Delaware. That went a little longer than I expected though, so we didn't get to visit other sites, like the Old Dutch House. We did, however, take a stroll through Battery Park and looked across the Delaware River at New Jersey. It was right around there that William Penn first landed in America.

We didn't get to spend very much time there, so I would like to visit again. And I recommend the Velocipede Museum to you all if you happen to find yourself in Delaware. It is small and won't take long to visit, and it's free!