Thursday, June 28, 2018

busy busy

I'm so neglectful of this poor blog. I was going to post about my trip to Montauk, where I spent two nights at an ocean-front resort with Celia on another work trip of hers. It was pretty great. One day we got a few hours of sunny warm beach time in. The next day we got some chilly windy beach time in. We also ate lobster rolls two days in a row, took a private water aerobics class, and had a two-hour spa treatment with full body massage, facial, and foot scrub. All free (to us). But that was several weeks ago now. Time flies.

Our trip was all courtesy of the company on the paddle board!
nerdy beach time
bundled up on the beach

I finally started writing my dissertation, which is now sort of consuming my attention. As of today I have a whopping twelve pages! Only a billion (or so) more to go! It's kind of stressful.

I'm also training for another triathlon. Olympic distance. I've been trying to do each of the three activities 1-2 times per week in a sort of "base building" phase, but next week will start a more official 8-week training program. After my marathon last fall I stopped running for several months because that race messed up my IT bands (I used to just have problems on one leg, now it's both!). I've been building back slowly, and have run up to five miles but I take regular walking breaks. I'm hoping I'll be in shape enough to be able to run the 10k during the triathlon without having to stop, but I'm not going to try to push myself so much that I just get injured again. Don't worry.

And I'm a little obsessed with house plants recently. Some day I'll share pictures of my growing plant family, though they never come out nearly as well as all the plant photos I look at on Instagram.