Wednesday, November 10, 2010

random bits to share

I just learned that the brontosaurus and triceratops didn't really exist. (Well, I guess I was late on not knowing about the brontosaurus, and the verdict on the triceratops might still be out.) Crazy.

On October 31st a bunch of New York City librarians and library supporters dressed up like zombies and marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to protest budget cuts. They had signs like "Better Undead Than Unread" and "No Libraries No Brains." How awesome is that?

I also just learned about the Random Acts of Culture project, and *may* have teared up while watching this video.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

How cool would it have been to be there! And join in :) Thanks for sharing Andi...I have to say, I shed a few tears myself :)