Tuesday, April 26, 2011

quick update

Quickly, here's what's been going on:

My birthday was almost two weeks ago. I had to work and go to class that day, but they had dessert for me at work and then the Friday night following my birthday Josh and I went to a German restaurant with another couple and we all gorged ourselves on delicious food. Josh also gave me this really awesome shirt he painted that you will have to wait another couple of weeks to see. Get excited.

This past weekend Josh and I went to his grandparents' house over by the bay. We were there less than 24 hours, but we ate good food, enjoyed good company, and even kayaked on a little pond.

Saturday night we joined my family in Richmond for a sushi dinner, and then Sunday was Easter. I went to church with the grandparents and Sunni, dyed eggs with Sunni, and we all ate at my aunt's house, which included hanging out on the porch because warm weather is back!

My semester is coming to a close quickly, and that means a huge final paper is coming up quickly, too....Luckily I just got a new computer (my old one was from 2006 and the guy at Best Buy told me that was like being 75 years old in computer years) so now I won't have to "warm up" my laptop every time I need to use it, and it won't take a billion years to look at anything on the internet. I might even blog more often now that using my computer doesn't make me want to pull my toe nails out, but let's not hold our breath.

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