Saturday, April 21, 2012

back at it

Today is the marathon that I'm not running. But luckily, after about 6 weeks of no running (I think), I'm slowly getting back into it. The Montalto Challenge is coming up again in two weeks, so I'm working towards that. Josh and his roommate are already registered, but I'm waiting to make sure I think I can do it. I'm afraid even if I run it I won't be able to get a better time than the last two years, and that sort of makes me not want to bother with it. Because it's really hard and not fun at all until it's finally over and you're at the top. But I also know if I go just to watch the boys I'll be kicking myself for not running it.

I also still want to run a marathon, and will take my training slower and smarter next time. Part of me wants to go ahead and work towards a fall marathon, but another part of me was really excited at the prospect of running a really hard mountainous one (the one I'm not running today) for my first try, so I might just wait until next year. We'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're done with school, get back to bloggin'!