Monday, May 14, 2012

Montalto Challenge 2012

Last Saturday (the 5th) for the third year in a row, Josh and I ran the Montalto Challenge. That's the all-uphill 5k that is super hard and not fun until it's over.

Since I had that injury and running hiatus, I wasn't back up to speed and knew I wouldn't make a PR (personal record). Sure enough, I finished in 33:49, which wasn't too bad. Josh beat his record by a single second, so that's a PR for him! His roommate Will ran it, too, and he did really well and didn't even have to take walking breaks. That's impressive.

Now for some pics.

 Waiting to start. Notice Will is chillin' with a cup of coffee.

 Josh's over-the-shoulder running shot. (Per usual, he took all the photos.)

At the top and feelin' juuuuust fine.

 Me? Not so much. But I recovered.

See? Energy to spare after a little break and some beautiful views!

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