Saturday, August 23, 2014

where have I been?!

Hi friends. Sorry I haven't posted in forever. Why haven't I posted? Oh, you know...

I didn't have anything to report on the triathlon or running fronts because I got lazy and fell off the training wagon. I was all set to train for another half iron right after my race in June, but my body told me it needed a little more rest. Without a goal and a training plan I'm terrible at exercising regularly. I've run maybe three times a week. I swim maybe once a week. I didn't touch my bike for many weeks. I did, however, do some group training sessions at the gym, which were fun and left me in a puddle of sweat after the thirty minutes. And last weekend I finally got on the bike for a thirty+ mile ride with a friend. It was super hilly, but I really liked getting back out there. Now I think I might attempt an abbreviated training plan for a half marathon in October, but we''ll see. In any case, I'm going to get back into a more regular exercise schedule starting next week.

Another thing that has kept me busy lately is my new house! I bought a house and moved in July. But I'm still working on unpacking and organizing and I haven't hung anything up on the walls yet, so I didn't want to post pictures. I will eventually. I've also been working on furnishing the house. I have a new (yellow!) couch but have to wait several weeks for my two (purple!) chairs to arrive. I've discovered I really like the mid-century modern / Danish style of furniture, so I've been getting some vintage pieces too (dining set, dresser, and side tables so far) that I love.

And I haven't had anything to report on the school front, because I completely failed to do any schoolwork at all over the summer. At all. I had planned to write my prospectus (the paper about what I'm going to write my dissertation on) over the summer and leave the fall semester free for studying for comps, but now that's all shifting back a little. In my defense, the first part of the summer was spent training for my triathlon and buying a house, and the second half was spent dealing with the move and the new house and hanging out a lot with a new guy. But the guy is no longer in the time-consuming picture (don't worry, it's fine) and the house will be settled soon. School starts next week and even though I don't have to drive to class anymore, I'm preparing myself to knuckle down and get to work.

So my plan is to finish unpacking and organizing the house this weekend so that next week I can get back into my normal work/study/training routine. Wish me luck.

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