Saturday, September 27, 2014

Basement and Biking

I figured it's time I finally show you a picture or two of my new house. I'll start with the basement. (And can't promise when I'll get to another level.)

I put the TV downstairs, along with all the living room furniture I used to have in my apartment. (Though the bookshelf, TV console, and rug are new additions from my aunt). So this is a cozy reading or movie-watching room.

It's also the room where I ride my bike twice a week. I know my mom is glad I have this basement now for my bikes (my hybrid is in the big storage room behind that closed door), instead of having them cluttering up the entryway and living room like they did in my apartment. 

Usually for shorter rides I just set the bike up so I'm looking out the window and then listen to the radio. But recently the midweek rides have been longer, so I've turned it toward the TV and been watching Anne of Green Gables.

Speaking of biking, last weekend I rode 66 miles but was feeling uncomfortable in the saddle starting around mile 20. I went to the bike shop the next day and they fitted me for a new seat (my third seat for this bike so far). I also got a new pair of what should be good biking shorts. I already had what I thought were supposed to be good shorts, but these are even more padded. Hopefully between the new seat and shorts my long rides will get more comfortable. Otherwise next weekend's century is going to be rough. (Well, rougher than a century already is. I mean, one hundred miles! Yikes.)

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