Friday, January 02, 2015


I just spent almost two weeks in Santa Fe for Christmas. It was nice to take a break and hang out with family.

My brother Ryan had to work for Christmas and wasn't there for the actual holiday, but he was there for a few days the weekend before. I hadn't been planning to arrive until the 23rd, but I changed my flight and went out on the 20th so our visits would overlap a little.

It was great to see Ryan, and it was also nice to see his dog Tess! I love her.

Walking Tess!

Since all four of us were together (for only a day and a half, sadly) we opened our presents early after mom made burritos, a family favorite.

Ryan on the plaza.
On Christmas Eve my grandparents came over and we had our traditional posole and tamales for dinner. Then Dad and I bundled up and headed out to walk Canyon Road.

Farolitos and art.

Dad chatting with a rabbit.
On Christmas morning my grandparents came over again for breakfast and tree. Later in the day more relatives came over for Christmas dinner. It was a good day.

Teaching Granddad about selfies.
Grandmother, too.

Checking out the tree. I love our Christmas tree. (But Ryan decorated it this year before I arrived and he skimped a little on the ornaments.)
After Christmas I hung out with my parents a lot. We went to the gym a few times, ate out several times, saw three movies, went to a concert, visited a museum, walked around Christmas lights at the botanical garden in the freezing cold, and hung out at home watching tv.

A Christmas burrito at Tomasita's.

Plus a sopapilla with honey for dessert.

Waiting for a movie to start.
We hung out with my grandparents again the day before I left. And that evening, which was New Year's Eve, my parents and I went out for one last New Mexican dinner before having a low-key night at home.

It was a good trip.

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