Saturday, January 17, 2015

winter running

I love running during the winter you guys.

In the winter it's cold, so you don't have to get up super early on the weekend to get your long run in before it's too hot.

And since it's cold, you get to wear running pants. With pants on, no need to shave your legs!

 In the winter it also gets dark really early. So if you work inside at a desk all day like me, you never get to be out in the sun during the week. Plus it's cold outside, so you're not spending the weekends sitting outside at cafes or lounging around the pool. You're inside. But with winter running, you get outside! And if you don't go super early in the morning, there is often sun! So it makes the long winters much more bearable.

In the winter there are no leaves on the trees. This actually has a drawback, in case you're out running and need to step off the road for a pit stop. Less coverage. On the other hand, it gives you a chance to catch some mountain views you might otherwise not get to see.

I don't know if this is true or not, but I think running in the cold is also better on pesky joints and IT bands that otherwise might get a little more swollen. Less need for ice baths if it's already below freezing out!

And let's be honest, running through the winter lets you feel just a little bit like a badass.

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