Saturday, February 21, 2015


Last Monday evening we got snow here in Charlottesville. Tuesday I stayed in all day, and since I didn't go to the gym for my pool running I did 45 minutes on the bike trainer instead. Then Wednesday and Thursday the streets were clear but sidewalks weren't, and things were icy and super cold, so I opted for the treadmill at the gym, doing seven and five miles, respectively.

Today I had ten miles scheduled, but another snowstorm came. If I had gotten up really early, which I didn't, I could have gotten over to the gym and run on the treadmill before roads got really bad and they closed. I thought about pushing my long run back to Sunday, but that would mess with next week's schedule. And then I started to see friends on Facebook talk about their morning workouts, including one friend who ran outside in the snow. And as you know, I haven't posted in a month so every time you check in you see me bragging about loving winter running.

So I did what any self-respecting winter runner who is also slightly crazy would do, and went outside for ten miles. It was my first time wearing Yaktrax, and they worked great. I even got some neighborhood hills in. It worked out well because it's still snowing and not many people were out driving, so I could just run in tire tracks in the middle of the road. It was kind of awesome.

Unfortunately I'll probably be back on the treadmill next week when the roads are clear but not pedestrian-friendly. Alas.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Good for you!