I know you all know this already, but I lived with my grandparents for over a year, and I still visit them often and pretend I'm still living with them. Now, since the few people who actually read this thing already know me, and are used to the fact that I live(d) with my grandparents, this is nothing exciting to think about. But come on, how many of
you would volunteer to live with your grandparents? Once when I was in a bar being hit on by some guy in a baseball cap the fact that I lived with them came up, and he gave me a strange look and said, "I'm not gonna lie, that doesn't sound too fun." But that just shows what he knows.
Last night Grandma and I stayed up to watch six episodes of
As Time Goes By, the old British comedy with Dame Judi Dench. Grandma loves that show, and she got the whole series on DVD for Christmas. I enjoy it quite a bit myself, and laughed out loud several times. Maybe watching old British tv shows with your grandmother on a Friday night sounds lame, and maybe it even is lame, but I had a great time.
Today the fun only continued. Generally Saturdays are Mexican lunch days, but I am a little Mexican-ed out, (while at home in Santa Fe I had posole, tamales, multiple burritos, enchiladas, a quesadilla, and an Indian taco) especially when the Mexican here in Richmond isn't that great. So instead we decided to try out a new restaurant in the City. The first place we attempted is only open for dinner, so we drove on to Tarrants, at 1 West Broad. It was a fun place, kind of like Perly's. First we had nachos as an appetizer, in honor of Mexican Saturday, and then I had a delicious Tarragon chicken salad sandwich. And the waiter was really nice. Grandpa especially liked it because it used to be a pharmacy and right next to our table was a prescription written in the 1930s for a gallon of beer, and above that was a black and white picture of students around a cadaver. Of course that means I was looking at a shriveled dead guy while eating.
Next we headed over to the Virginia Museum of Fine Art. My grandparents started to act a little silly, probably because it was supposed to be nap time and we were all tired, but it made the excursion fun. For example, while looking at the renaissance art with all the Madonnas and icons Grandpa was inspired by a particular painting to sing the original song (to the tune of "Oh my Darlin") "Lost his head, lost his head, John the Baptist lost his head..." And later when looking at a statue of a naked woman dancing with her small child Grandpa said to Grandma, "I never saw you do that when our kids were young." "Oh?" she replied. "You must have been at work." I wasn't the only person in the room who thought this was funny; I saw others listening in, too.
In conclusion, I would like to say that living with my grandparents and having the opportunity to hang out with them so much is pretty darn awesome.