Or, from a different position, it looks like this.

There are many turtles at the lake.

And geese.

There are also ducks, and they can pose obstacles for runners and bicyclists on the path.

On an average outing to the lake one can see old people and young people of all sorts. Sometimes they wear hats.

Or they might be fishing.

The lake is especially nice on a sunny day. The turtles think so, too.

somehow it is fitting that there are geese in your lake...go do homework.-r.h.m.
i'm so glad to see these pictures! thanks for sharing. how's running going?
The running is still going well. I haven't worked on distance, I usually just do 4-5 miles. I'm also not that fast. I'm still amazed at my desire to go for a run though. I never used to be excited about excercise.
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