Friday, June 29, 2007
So good.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Tarrant's is delicious. Today for lunch I ordered chilled strawberry soup and a Reuben, and my mom ordered gazpacho and a Monte Cristo. I ate some of everything, and it was all amazing. Even the potato salad and pasta salad were good. The service is great, and the atmosphere is fun, too. If you're in Richmond you should go there. And take me with you.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
He'll always be Superman.
Yesterday I went to see Grandpa after work. He asked someone if they wanted a fat lip and referred to his surgeon as "The Chopper," so I cried with relief to have my Grandpa back. He's in a ton of pain, as anyone who has had their chest cracked open and their heart stopped and messed with would be (not to mention a vein taken out of his leg and lots of tubes sticking out of various places). Today when I went the nurse came in to walk him to his chair so he could eat his liquid dinner. He didn't want me to stay and see him walk, and told the nurse he was supposed to be Superman and couldn't have his granddaughter seeing him otherwise. Of course that only made me want to cry again because seriously, I could never think of him being anything less than a super man.
Monday, June 25, 2007
So far so good.
Grandpa has come through the quadruple bypass and things are going smoothly so far. He's still on the ventilator, which they will try to take out tonight or in the morning. All four artery grafts (I think that's what you would call them) went well. Grandma and Mom and I got to the hospital around 9:15 this morning. Eventually Judy, Sunni, and Caryn joined us. We finally got to see him around 4:30. He was still asleep and had tons of tubes sticking out of him, but he's alive and we got to touch him and tell him we love him.
During the many hours of waiting I did a few crosswords and sudokus, read about four pages of a book, played Boggle and Old Maid, ate lunch, a green milkshake, and some hot fries, talked with family, and went outside for a break from the worrisome waiting.
Grandma will get to visit him in the morning around 10, and I can't wait to see him tomorrow after work.
During the many hours of waiting I did a few crosswords and sudokus, read about four pages of a book, played Boggle and Old Maid, ate lunch, a green milkshake, and some hot fries, talked with family, and went outside for a break from the worrisome waiting.
Grandma will get to visit him in the morning around 10, and I can't wait to see him tomorrow after work.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
a different sort of weekend
Friday: Ran, grabbed lunch at McDonald's, and spent the afternoon at the hospital both hanging out with Grandpa and then waiting to hear the results of the cath. Ate dinner with Sam at Mom's Siam, then got a beer at the New York Deli in Carytown.
Saturday: Ran with Monica on Monument Avenue, ate lunch with Grandma, and spent the afternoon with her watching tv and napping. Picked up my mom at the airport, then went with her and Grandma to see Grandpa at the hospital. Ate and hung out with Mom into the evening.
Sunday: Went to mass with Grandma and Mom, then to visit Grandpa again. Ate lunch at Aunt Judy's house, then came home for a nap. Went to FSC for church, then back to the hospital for a brief visit. Home to eat with Grandma and Mom, and now going to watch tv and do a crossword puzzle before bed.
Grandpa's surgery is scheduled for tomorrow (Monday) morning at 8 am, so we'll all be hanging out at the hospital tomorrow. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, and please keep them up!
Saturday: Ran with Monica on Monument Avenue, ate lunch with Grandma, and spent the afternoon with her watching tv and napping. Picked up my mom at the airport, then went with her and Grandma to see Grandpa at the hospital. Ate and hung out with Mom into the evening.
Sunday: Went to mass with Grandma and Mom, then to visit Grandpa again. Ate lunch at Aunt Judy's house, then came home for a nap. Went to FSC for church, then back to the hospital for a brief visit. Home to eat with Grandma and Mom, and now going to watch tv and do a crossword puzzle before bed.
Grandpa's surgery is scheduled for tomorrow (Monday) morning at 8 am, so we'll all be hanging out at the hospital tomorrow. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, and please keep them up!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Thoughts and Prayers Please
Grandpa is in the hospital, expecting a quadruple bypass any day now. He had a cath scheduled for last Monday, which was pushed back because of something with his kidneys, and then it got pushed back again and finally happened yesterday afternoon. That went fine, but showed that things are pretty serious. He's in CCU now, and apparently he's not feeling too great today. So please keep him and grandma in your thoughts and prayers, as well as the rest of the family.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
still a nerd
Today at my internship I got to visit the preservation lab and use the encapsulating machine. It was pretty exciting.
Monday, June 18, 2007
nature seems to be moving in
Our garage has become a zoo.
A little bird built a nest in a cubby holding paintbrushes, and birds hatched, and one of them has already flown away. I mean, I guess this is kind of neat and cute and all, but the momma bird is always making a fuss at anyone who goes in the garage, and I'm always afraid she's going to swoop down and poke my eyes out.
In addition to the bird, the other day we were in the garage to check out the birds and the grandparents noticed a squirrel over by the other wall. A squirrel who was headed straight for the door, where I happened to be standing. I freaked out and jumped a mile out of the way, then ran across the yard, afraid the thing was going to bite my ankle and give me rabies.
The next day Grandpa reported he saw a chipmunk in the garage. Now seriously, this is getting to be too much. All those animals are, as animals tend to do, leaving grossness everywhere, and now I'm afraid I'm going to get hantavirus.
A little bird built a nest in a cubby holding paintbrushes, and birds hatched, and one of them has already flown away. I mean, I guess this is kind of neat and cute and all, but the momma bird is always making a fuss at anyone who goes in the garage, and I'm always afraid she's going to swoop down and poke my eyes out.
In addition to the bird, the other day we were in the garage to check out the birds and the grandparents noticed a squirrel over by the other wall. A squirrel who was headed straight for the door, where I happened to be standing. I freaked out and jumped a mile out of the way, then ran across the yard, afraid the thing was going to bite my ankle and give me rabies.
The next day Grandpa reported he saw a chipmunk in the garage. Now seriously, this is getting to be too much. All those animals are, as animals tend to do, leaving grossness everywhere, and now I'm afraid I'm going to get hantavirus.
My Weekend in Review
Friday: Covered my grandparent's bathroom window, then ate lunch with them. Went over to an aunt's house to let her dog Ginger (a 13-year-old chihuahua) out. Back to grandparent's house for a super long run (over six miles), then sat around with family drinking wine and chatting. Ate a little dinner, then headed back over to aunt's house, where I spent the next two nights. Played Guitar Hero a lot and became a Guitar Legend.
Saturday: Up to make a pot of coffee and read, then out for Mexican lunch with grandparents. Let the dog out again, then went to a coffee shop for more reading. Went to dinner with family, then to see the musical Into the Woods.
Sunday: Played Guitar Hero all morning and then only had time for a twenty-minute run. Over to the grandparent's house for lunch, then made two kinds of delicious scones (cran-orange and gingerbread). Let the dog out again, then raced across town for church. Over to different aunt's house for "high tea" with sandwiches and my scones for Father's Day, or in my case, Grandpa's Day. Back over to other aunt's house to feed dog and play more Guitar Hero. Home at grandparent's house for bed.
Saturday: Up to make a pot of coffee and read, then out for Mexican lunch with grandparents. Let the dog out again, then went to a coffee shop for more reading. Went to dinner with family, then to see the musical Into the Woods.
Sunday: Played Guitar Hero all morning and then only had time for a twenty-minute run. Over to the grandparent's house for lunch, then made two kinds of delicious scones (cran-orange and gingerbread). Let the dog out again, then raced across town for church. Over to different aunt's house for "high tea" with sandwiches and my scones for Father's Day, or in my case, Grandpa's Day. Back over to other aunt's house to feed dog and play more Guitar Hero. Home at grandparent's house for bed.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day
On Father's Day, I just thought you all should know that my dad is a pretty awesome dad.*
My dad taught me to love history. He took me to historic sites and events and reenactments and he introduced me to 1776 the Musical, which also played a big role in helping me like history. He also sounds slightly interested when I go on and on telling him about what I'm currently learning about or writing in school, which is nice.
My dad taught me to be honest. In the fifth grade I liked this boy, and for Valentine's Day he gave me a card and asked me to a movie. I was super excited and said yes, but then I flipped out and changed my mind and didn't know how to get myself out of the awkward "actually, I don't think I want to go to a movie with you anymore" situation, and even though my mom agreed to make up the story that at age 11 I was too young to go to a movie with a boy, my dad did not like the idea and said he would not support it. He also gives back the extra money every time a cashier gives him too much change.
My dad taught me the value of money and looking for things on sale. Also, I am a very picky shopper when it comes to buying clothes, and my dad is, too. Luckily, this means he is one of the few people in the world who will put up with shopping with me. For example, he is the one who took me prom dress shopping my senior year of high shool, and after many many hours at many many stores, we agreed on a decent dress that did not have flowers (he kept picking out dresses with flowers that looked like something a ten-year-old would wear on Easter), was not too tight, and did not cost an arm and a leg.
My dad taught me to leave a safe distance between my car and cars in front of me on the highway. He might not always think I actually do this, but I sure do it more than lots of people. He and I have spent many many hours driving on highways, because he drove with me between Santa Fe and Tacoma four times. One of those times he made us stop at The End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center in Oregon City, which I did not want to do at all, but I ended up really liking it and that is when I first became interested in the Oregon Trail.
My dad taught me about how great long walks can be. He likes to walk, and now I like to walk. When dad came to Tacoma for my college graduation we went on this long walk from my apartment over past school, down to the water, back up the hill through the rain, and finally to my favorite pub. So far that is our favorite walk together.
My dad taught me the fun of having family songs. He and I have a special song by Roger Miller. He also has a special song with my brother Ryan. And whenever my mom says "Shoot!" the rest of us sing "Bang bang, she shot me down..."
My dad taught me some other stuff, too, but we don't want to be here all day. Instead, I will leave you with this picture of my dad and his two kids on Christmas of 2006. (Please notice that our angel on top of the tree was wearing a fishing vest ornament, a waiters ornament, and has a fish ornament hanging from her arm.)

*My mom is really awesome, too. Just so we clear that up.
My dad taught me to love history. He took me to historic sites and events and reenactments and he introduced me to 1776 the Musical, which also played a big role in helping me like history. He also sounds slightly interested when I go on and on telling him about what I'm currently learning about or writing in school, which is nice.
My dad taught me to be honest. In the fifth grade I liked this boy, and for Valentine's Day he gave me a card and asked me to a movie. I was super excited and said yes, but then I flipped out and changed my mind and didn't know how to get myself out of the awkward "actually, I don't think I want to go to a movie with you anymore" situation, and even though my mom agreed to make up the story that at age 11 I was too young to go to a movie with a boy, my dad did not like the idea and said he would not support it. He also gives back the extra money every time a cashier gives him too much change.
My dad taught me the value of money and looking for things on sale. Also, I am a very picky shopper when it comes to buying clothes, and my dad is, too. Luckily, this means he is one of the few people in the world who will put up with shopping with me. For example, he is the one who took me prom dress shopping my senior year of high shool, and after many many hours at many many stores, we agreed on a decent dress that did not have flowers (he kept picking out dresses with flowers that looked like something a ten-year-old would wear on Easter), was not too tight, and did not cost an arm and a leg.
My dad taught me to leave a safe distance between my car and cars in front of me on the highway. He might not always think I actually do this, but I sure do it more than lots of people. He and I have spent many many hours driving on highways, because he drove with me between Santa Fe and Tacoma four times. One of those times he made us stop at The End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center in Oregon City, which I did not want to do at all, but I ended up really liking it and that is when I first became interested in the Oregon Trail.
My dad taught me about how great long walks can be. He likes to walk, and now I like to walk. When dad came to Tacoma for my college graduation we went on this long walk from my apartment over past school, down to the water, back up the hill through the rain, and finally to my favorite pub. So far that is our favorite walk together.
My dad taught me the fun of having family songs. He and I have a special song by Roger Miller. He also has a special song with my brother Ryan. And whenever my mom says "Shoot!" the rest of us sing "Bang bang, she shot me down..."
My dad taught me some other stuff, too, but we don't want to be here all day. Instead, I will leave you with this picture of my dad and his two kids on Christmas of 2006. (Please notice that our angel on top of the tree was wearing a fishing vest ornament, a waiters ornament, and has a fish ornament hanging from her arm.)

*My mom is really awesome, too. Just so we clear that up.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Total History Nerd
Today at my internship I was sitting at my big table working away when I learned there was a public lecture about to take place downstairs, and the lady who's supervising my work and answering my billions of questions asked if I would like to go.
"Okay, yeah, I'd like to go," I said out loud, (when on the inside I yelled "heck yes I want to go hear a history lecture!"), "when is it?"
"Um, in about two minutes," she replied.
So I dropped my work and quickly headed downstairs, making sure to memorize my path so I could find my way back afterwards.
I was taken aback when I entered the auditorium and saw a sea of senior citizens, but the speaker was good and it was interesting. Sometimes I got sidetracked though and stopped paying attention, but only because I was thinking "This is so great. I'm getting paid to learn history!"
"Okay, yeah, I'd like to go," I said out loud, (when on the inside I yelled "heck yes I want to go hear a history lecture!"), "when is it?"
"Um, in about two minutes," she replied.
So I dropped my work and quickly headed downstairs, making sure to memorize my path so I could find my way back afterwards.
I was taken aback when I entered the auditorium and saw a sea of senior citizens, but the speaker was good and it was interesting. Sometimes I got sidetracked though and stopped paying attention, but only because I was thinking "This is so great. I'm getting paid to learn history!"
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
You want to know the worst thing ever?
Being kept awake at night by itchy mosquito bites all over your legs and feet and elbow. And you know what's even worse? Having bug bites that make you not want to shave your legs because you always cut them open when you shave and they scab over or get infected, but then when you don't shave the tiny growing hairs catch ever so slightly on your already irritating pajamas or sheets or pants or towel, making them itch even more. Like I said, worst thing ever.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Weekend o' Fun Review
Friday: Went for a run, then ate lunch with the grandparents. Ran some errands and read for a few hours at Crossroads Coffee and Ice Cream, which I liked and will visit again. In the evening I went over to play Guitar Hero and Dance Dance Revolution with my cousins.
Saturday: Went for a run, then headed over to Sunni's 10th birthday party, complete with a pool, moon bounce, slip 'n slide, video games, and a pinata. Was attacked in the moon bounce by wet ten-year-old boys and ended up fully clothed but completely drenched. After the cake I drove home, put coolant in my car, showered (again), and drove to Raleigh. Went to a cook-out at Ryan and Erin's house, where I partied all night and won a hoola hoop contest. I even got a trophy, but I forgot to bring it home.
Sunday: Slept in, then drove back to Richmond in time to pour wine for church at 4. Came home and had tea with the grandparents, then ate dinner and watched the beginning of the Tony Awards. Now very tired and off to bed.
Saturday: Went for a run, then headed over to Sunni's 10th birthday party, complete with a pool, moon bounce, slip 'n slide, video games, and a pinata. Was attacked in the moon bounce by wet ten-year-old boys and ended up fully clothed but completely drenched. After the cake I drove home, put coolant in my car, showered (again), and drove to Raleigh. Went to a cook-out at Ryan and Erin's house, where I partied all night and won a hoola hoop contest. I even got a trophy, but I forgot to bring it home.
Sunday: Slept in, then drove back to Richmond in time to pour wine for church at 4. Came home and had tea with the grandparents, then ate dinner and watched the beginning of the Tony Awards. Now very tired and off to bed.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Way back when, like junior high days, I had pretty big feet. I normally wore sizes 9.5 or 10. My Aunt Caryn would give me her old shoes, which were huge, and they would fit. Then I guess my feet shrank. (Or shrunk? Er, got smaller.) I wore 8.5 for several years. 8.5 is a good size. It's Celia's size, and when she makes me get dressed up to go out I can borrow her heels.
But my feet just got big again. My parents bought me a pair of cute black flats in Santa Fe, and they are size 9. Not only are they size 9, but I realized after wearing them all day last Sunday they are still a little snug. Blame it on that particular brand, you say? What about when I got running shoes last weekend and I ended up bringing home SIZE 10?! How do you explain that? And then I got some fancy flip flops(by fancy I mean not from Old Navy), and they are also size 10. This is crazy, I say. Crazy.
But my feet just got big again. My parents bought me a pair of cute black flats in Santa Fe, and they are size 9. Not only are they size 9, but I realized after wearing them all day last Sunday they are still a little snug. Blame it on that particular brand, you say? What about when I got running shoes last weekend and I ended up bringing home SIZE 10?! How do you explain that? And then I got some fancy flip flops(by fancy I mean not from Old Navy), and they are also size 10. This is crazy, I say. Crazy.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
internship update
Even though I've been out of school for four weeks and gone on two vacations already, I feel like this week was the real beginning of my summer since I finally started my internship. Monday I came home exhausted and was in bed by nine because it's been almost a year since I've had to get up early to sit and work for eight hours (even if I was working for eight hours, perhaps writing a paper, I had plenty of coffee; but when working with archives you can't have coffee with you, and that's rough). It's going well so far. Today, on my third day, I finally found my way to and from the archives and manuscripts office from the staff entrance all by myself! This morning I also got to go with the staff to hear three visiting scholars talk about the research they're doing at VHS, and that was exciting. Oh, and there was a story in the paper, and then I got pointed out on the internet.
Tuesday I amazed myself by getting up at six in the morning to go for a run before work, and I even got to work a few minutes early! It was great. I might try it again tomorrow. Also, Sunday I bought my first pair of real running shoes (I've been using my old tennis shoes all this time. And by "tennis" I mean plain athletic shoes- don't get confused and think I play tennis, because I don't.) I had no idea what a difference they would make! Why did no one tell me sooner?
And finally, I know you readers were probably worrying about this, but Myrtle the Turtle has appeared once again in the back yard. (I *may* have been a minute late on my first day because I had to run back inside to tell Grandma the turtle was out for the first time.) So fret not, Grandma has her little friend back and can once again yell at poor Danny every day for eating the turtle's food.
Tuesday I amazed myself by getting up at six in the morning to go for a run before work, and I even got to work a few minutes early! It was great. I might try it again tomorrow. Also, Sunday I bought my first pair of real running shoes (I've been using my old tennis shoes all this time. And by "tennis" I mean plain athletic shoes- don't get confused and think I play tennis, because I don't.) I had no idea what a difference they would make! Why did no one tell me sooner?
And finally, I know you readers were probably worrying about this, but Myrtle the Turtle has appeared once again in the back yard. (I *may* have been a minute late on my first day because I had to run back inside to tell Grandma the turtle was out for the first time.) So fret not, Grandma has her little friend back and can once again yell at poor Danny every day for eating the turtle's food.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Weekend Review
Friday: Slept in, then went for a run around the lake. Puttered around telling myself not to freak out about my back. Went to the library at school to return and check out books. Also went to Target and the grocery store (needed milk for Saturday's chocolate milk breakfast). Did some packing, and watched the last episode in Grandma's As Time Goes By boxed series.
Saturday: Up early to pack the car and drive to Richmond. Went to lunch with Grandpa, then worked on the crossword puzzle and tried to take a nap. Unpacked and moved back into my Richmond room for the summer. Had dinner with Allison, Sam, Jennifer, and James at Allison's place. Beat the boys at Taboo.
Sunday: Up sort of early to run, but it was raining so I did the crossword puzzle instead. Went to Stony Point for church, then home for lunch with the grandparents. Went to the mall to spend my free $15 at The Limited, and ended up spending lots more money of my own that wasn't free. Went to church at FSC and mingled afterwards with friends. Had soup and beer at Ipanema with Allison and Sam. Visited with cousins Leslie and Sunni, then went to Dick's Sporting Goods to spend more money with Leslie's friends and family discount. Off to bed with first-day-of-summer-internship nervousness.
Saturday: Up early to pack the car and drive to Richmond. Went to lunch with Grandpa, then worked on the crossword puzzle and tried to take a nap. Unpacked and moved back into my Richmond room for the summer. Had dinner with Allison, Sam, Jennifer, and James at Allison's place. Beat the boys at Taboo.
Sunday: Up sort of early to run, but it was raining so I did the crossword puzzle instead. Went to Stony Point for church, then home for lunch with the grandparents. Went to the mall to spend my free $15 at The Limited, and ended up spending lots more money of my own that wasn't free. Went to church at FSC and mingled afterwards with friends. Had soup and beer at Ipanema with Allison and Sam. Visited with cousins Leslie and Sunni, then went to Dick's Sporting Goods to spend more money with Leslie's friends and family discount. Off to bed with first-day-of-summer-internship nervousness.
Friday, June 01, 2007
My back hurts.
While in Santa Fe my lower back started to feel a little funny, and I thought I must be sleeping on it wrong. One day was especially bad, and I blamed it on my old mattress with worn out springs, so Ryan switched the mattress with the trundle bed mattress under my day bed (day beds are hot, I know). That helped a little. But right as I was starting to feel better, I had to sit for many uncomfortable hours on an airplane and carry my heavy bag on my back, and that didn't help anything. Today my back is bad again. But let me clarify- when I say "bad" it is definitely relative. I have been blessed so far in my life with little pain, so when something is different or uncomfortable I say it hurts. I still managed to go for a run, and that didn't hurt, but I can't bend down very easily, and I couldn't do my usual stretches, and I decided against crunches.
I'm really hoping that sleeping on good beds and not sitting in airplanes will fix it, and that this will just go away. Especially since I have to start sitting at a desk all day every day on Monday.
I'm really hoping that sleeping on good beds and not sitting in airplanes will fix it, and that this will just go away. Especially since I have to start sitting at a desk all day every day on Monday.
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