My dad taught me to love history. He took me to historic sites and events and reenactments and he introduced me to 1776 the Musical, which also played a big role in helping me like history. He also sounds slightly interested when I go on and on telling him about what I'm currently learning about or writing in school, which is nice.
My dad taught me to be honest. In the fifth grade I liked this boy, and for Valentine's Day he gave me a card and asked me to a movie. I was super excited and said yes, but then I flipped out and changed my mind and didn't know how to get myself out of the awkward "actually, I don't think I want to go to a movie with you anymore" situation, and even though my mom agreed to make up the story that at age 11 I was too young to go to a movie with a boy, my dad did not like the idea and said he would not support it. He also gives back the extra money every time a cashier gives him too much change.
My dad taught me the value of money and looking for things on sale. Also, I am a very picky shopper when it comes to buying clothes, and my dad is, too. Luckily, this means he is one of the few people in the world who will put up with shopping with me. For example, he is the one who took me prom dress shopping my senior year of high shool, and after many many hours at many many stores, we agreed on a decent dress that did not have flowers (he kept picking out dresses with flowers that looked like something a ten-year-old would wear on Easter), was not too tight, and did not cost an arm and a leg.
My dad taught me to leave a safe distance between my car and cars in front of me on the highway. He might not always think I actually do this, but I sure do it more than lots of people. He and I have spent many many hours driving on highways, because he drove with me between Santa Fe and Tacoma four times. One of those times he made us stop at The End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center in Oregon City, which I did not want to do at all, but I ended up really liking it and that is when I first became interested in the Oregon Trail.
My dad taught me about how great long walks can be. He likes to walk, and now I like to walk. When dad came to Tacoma for my college graduation we went on this long walk from my apartment over past school, down to the water, back up the hill through the rain, and finally to my favorite pub. So far that is our favorite walk together.
My dad taught me the fun of having family songs. He and I have a special song by Roger Miller. He also has a special song with my brother Ryan. And whenever my mom says "Shoot!" the rest of us sing "Bang bang, she shot me down..."
My dad taught me some other stuff, too, but we don't want to be here all day. Instead, I will leave you with this picture of my dad and his two kids on Christmas of 2006. (Please notice that our angel on top of the tree was wearing a fishing vest ornament, a waiters ornament, and has a fish ornament hanging from her arm.)

*My mom is really awesome, too. Just so we clear that up.
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