Monday, November 19, 2007

Weekend Review

Friday: Can't really remember what I did during the day...I'm sure it was supposed to be homework but was infused with procrastination. Went to school in the afternoon to pick up my students' papers, then went with the girls to see Love in the Time of Cholera (which I didn't like) and out to dinner.

Saturday: Talked to Jennifer for an hour, work and procrastination mixed together, mapped the Overland Trail on the floor, went for an extra long run because I got lost (should have made up a story...), met Erin and Brook at the huge library book sale and got The Year of Decision: 1846 and a book on the Donner Party, went with them to Target, went back to Erin's house and ended up staying to talk and watch fighting on TV.

Sunday: Went to church, then home to procrastinate and finally work more on my research and paper. No writing ever happened, but it will eventually.

1 comment:

ALF said...