Sunday, August 24, 2008

Indian Market

This weekend was Santa Fe's biggest event of the year, the Southwest Association for Indian Arts' Santa Fe Indian Market. Something like 100,000 people from all over the world come to Santa Fe every year to check out the art downtown. Artists from tribes all over the country come and set up over 600 booths, where they sell traditional and contemporary jewelry, pottery, sculpture, bead work, paintings, etc. Apparently some hard core people get to the plaza super early in the morning or even camp out over night so they can buy particular pieces from their favorite artists.

booths on Lincoln Avenue

pottery for sale

Yesterday my parents and I went to the market, but not until late afternoon. We checked out some art, my parents bought me turquoise earrings, and we shared some fry bread.

booths on Palace Avenue in front of the Museum of Fine Arts (where I performed in numerous Youth Symphony concerts back in the day)

This afternoon my dad and I went back to the market, and he bought me a turquoise necklace to match the earrings. I think this is my first turquoise jewelry (and it's not huge and fancy like lots of other people have around here, just simple teardrop earrings and a beaded necklace). I used to shun the stuff, but this is simply another example of me starting to embrace the Southwest more than I ever wanted to when I lived here.

kids performing traditional dances

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