Monday, January 05, 2009

Books and movies for free? Who knew?

I don't know about you folks, but I, for one, am being affected by this economic calamity we are experiencing. So I'm working on pinching my pennies. Even more than I used to, which was sort of a lot.

My old penny-pinching mentality? Print off a 30 per cent coupon for Borders, go over there and browse for a book or CD, get too stressed out about spending ten bucks on something I might not love, and very often leave empty handed.

My new plan? Go to the library! I went on Saturday. I checked out a David Sedaris book and, drum roll please, the second season of Deadwood. (I watched the first season with Ryan during my August visit to Santa Fe, and ever since then I've been itching to see the second, but he hasn't bought it yet and I didn't even want to pay to check it out from a video store!) One of the wonderful things about the library is that I don't have to fret over whether or not I will actually like the book (or movie), because if I don't I can always return it and not regret spending money! Because it's free!

Now don't shake your head at me and call me crazy. Yes, I've known about libraries all along, and I've been to them before. Yes, I've talked about becoming a librarian myself. Blah blah blah. The point is, I'm excited that I finally revisited a very obvious way to read books and watch movies. For free.


ALF said...

Horray for the library! I need to start going there more often. I was to the library over the summer and I was just as excited as you are. It was like I had never been to one before when obviously I had. Anyway, good for you for rediscovering the library!

car said...

I second the hooray for the library!

hi--my name is carly and I just moved here and I'm getting acclimated to the local blogs. By coincidence I too am reading a david sedaris book; which are you reading? I grabbed Me Talk Pretty One Day from Chop Suey and am loving it so far.

Yay Richmond/West of the Boulevard!


andi said...

Hey me too- Me Talk Pretty One Day was the only Sedaris book the library had, but I'm enjoying it! I'm also excited that so much of it takes place in Raleigh and I know what they're talking about since I lived there.

The Mad Giggler said...

Hey Andi! I was just checking out your blog. I love Deadwood and I have them all. If you would like to borrow the 3rd season let me know. The only bad thing is that one of dvds has a bad spot which totally sucks. We should have taken back, but we goofed around and never did...oh well. I'm happy to share though!