Don't worry, I heard the news. Stay away from pistachios. However, I mostly eat the pistachios at my grandparents' house (or the ones they give me), and those are grown and processed in Georgia. They are also much more delicious than any pistachios I've had from normal stores ever since I started eating the kind Grandma orders from Georgia. So, uh, I'm gonna keep eating them. But if you don't know that yours came from Georgia and you think maybe they came from California, you probably should hold off. For now. I wonder if this will lead to more or less pistachio sightings???
(In case you haven't heard about the recent don't-eat-pistachios-because-they-may-have-salmonella story, here's the link a friend sent me, since I'm too lazy to look up my own link.)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
daf fest
Today Josh and I joined his family in Gloucester, Virginia, for the 23rd Annual Daffodil Festival. We had a pretty solid day.
Unfortunately we missed the parade, but there was plenty more daffodil fun to be had. To start the day off right Josh bought me a pair of daffodil earrings, which I will most likely never wear again but were fun and festive.

We checked out the booths, ate fair-type food (including kettle corn), pet a llama, and saw lots of cute dogs. Of course there were also all the daffodils.

In the afternoon we hopped on a school bus and visited a daffodil farm.

We also stopped by the local middle school to see the daffodil competition. Who knew there were so many different kinds of daffodils, and so many ways to judge them? Not me.

We finished out the day with a good Thai dinner. And yes, there were fresh daffodils on every table in the restaurant.
Unfortunately we missed the parade, but there was plenty more daffodil fun to be had. To start the day off right Josh bought me a pair of daffodil earrings, which I will most likely never wear again but were fun and festive.
We checked out the booths, ate fair-type food (including kettle corn), pet a llama, and saw lots of cute dogs. Of course there were also all the daffodils.
In the afternoon we hopped on a school bus and visited a daffodil farm.
We also stopped by the local middle school to see the daffodil competition. Who knew there were so many different kinds of daffodils, and so many ways to judge them? Not me.
We finished out the day with a good Thai dinner. And yes, there were fresh daffodils on every table in the restaurant.
Friday, March 27, 2009
pie lovin' history nerds
Today at work this email (and the photo) was sent around the office. Awesome.
In honor of President John Tyler’s birthday, [the boss] and I submit for your approval two versions of the “classic” John Tyler pie (aka Tyler pudding, aka Tyler pudding pie, etc.) There is voting of course. Pies should probably be refrigerated when not actively being consumed.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I have received two more pieces of chocolate.
I cleaned my apartment over the weekend, which was nice. Not the cleaning, but getting it done. I even mopped!
I also walked to Carytown twice over the weekend (once for a haircut, and once for reading at a coffee shop), and that was nice. Now that I'm working in C-ville I like to have time to hang out in Richmond and remember that I still live here. For now.
Speaking of working in C-ville, the commuting hasn't been too bad, except for the much more frequent trips to the gas station.
A few weeks ago Josh saw a DVD for sale called 1776. He wasn't sure, but he thought I might be interested. Haha. Then I told him about how I love that musical and we have the VHS back at home in Santa Fe and I have the soundtrack on CD and I took it to my history class in the 8th grade and made my class watch it and I took it to my AP history class in the 11th grade and made my class watch it and I wrote two papers about it in college and I saw it performed live a couple years ago with a professor of mine. So yeah, I was definitely interested in having my own DVD! We watched it last night, and this copy has more material than my old VHS copy, which means I saw things I'd never seen before! It was exciting.
Today I wore new running shoes for my after-work run. This is only my second pair of running shoes since I started running in 2006, and it was overdue. Now I won't get blisters every time I run!
I cleaned my apartment over the weekend, which was nice. Not the cleaning, but getting it done. I even mopped!
I also walked to Carytown twice over the weekend (once for a haircut, and once for reading at a coffee shop), and that was nice. Now that I'm working in C-ville I like to have time to hang out in Richmond and remember that I still live here. For now.
Speaking of working in C-ville, the commuting hasn't been too bad, except for the much more frequent trips to the gas station.
A few weeks ago Josh saw a DVD for sale called 1776. He wasn't sure, but he thought I might be interested. Haha. Then I told him about how I love that musical and we have the VHS back at home in Santa Fe and I have the soundtrack on CD and I took it to my history class in the 8th grade and made my class watch it and I took it to my AP history class in the 11th grade and made my class watch it and I wrote two papers about it in college and I saw it performed live a couple years ago with a professor of mine. So yeah, I was definitely interested in having my own DVD! We watched it last night, and this copy has more material than my old VHS copy, which means I saw things I'd never seen before! It was exciting.
Today I wore new running shoes for my after-work run. This is only my second pair of running shoes since I started running in 2006, and it was overdue. Now I won't get blisters every time I run!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
chocolate sun
So far I have received three pieces of chocolate at work for doing a good job. On the one hand I think "woohoo, chocolate!" and on the other hand I think "why am I getting chocolate for doing what I'm supposed to?"
Also, I'm glad winter is over.
Also, I'm glad winter is over.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
hi-ho, hi-ho
Today was my third day of work at my new job. So far so good. I haven't actually done anything yet, but tomorrow I will transition from "getting settled" into getting down to business. I'm looking forward to it.
Yesterday my boss gave me a t-shirt that our department made a few years ago. The quotes on it help to sum up (in a humorously self-deprecating way) the kind of history work we do:
"to common readers they will appear unnecessarily erudite, and pedantic."
"I repeat that I am too tired of the subject to go over it again. so I think I must publish it as it is."
Both were written in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to George Hay, 28 December 1811.
I'm excited.
Yesterday my boss gave me a t-shirt that our department made a few years ago. The quotes on it help to sum up (in a humorously self-deprecating way) the kind of history work we do:
"to common readers they will appear unnecessarily erudite, and pedantic."
"I repeat that I am too tired of the subject to go over it again. so I think I must publish it as it is."
Both were written in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to George Hay, 28 December 1811.
I'm excited.
Friday, March 06, 2009
days gone by
Nothing like driving around your hometown in the wee hours of the morning listening to the Goo Goo Dolls to spark feelings of nostalgia...
Thursday, March 05, 2009
SF Rail Yard
Today Ryan and I joined my dad downtown for lunch, and then I hung out around the new rail yard area where new shops and galleries are popping up. I went in some stores, walked through the new rail park, and then headed to a new coffee shop to read. On my way there I ran into a former boss of mine from high school. He said "Hi Andi! We were just talking about you the other day because of that time you had to pick up poop." I haven't seen him since 2002. Awesome.
Last night Dad and I went to see The Wrestler. That movie inspired me to start weight lifting, so I stopped in the rail park to try and pick up a dumbbell.

Then on my way back to my dad's office to meet him and head home I had another pistachio sighting! See that flat brown building in the background? (Haha, most buildings in Santa Fe are flat and brown.) That's the state capitol.
Last night Dad and I went to see The Wrestler. That movie inspired me to start weight lifting, so I stopped in the rail park to try and pick up a dumbbell.

Then on my way back to my dad's office to meet him and head home I had another pistachio sighting! See that flat brown building in the background? (Haha, most buildings in Santa Fe are flat and brown.) That's the state capitol.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Viva Las Vegas
My Vegas trip has come and gone, and I had a great time. First of all, it was fun to be on a family vacation. Not only were my parents and Ryan there, but so were my Aunt Penny and Uncle Tommy. I only see them about once a year, and I've never been on a trip with them except maybe camping trips when I was really young. So it was nice to spend time with them. They are also Vegas pros so they could show us around to their favorite spots.
And now for the rundown of my trip.
Thursday: Left work for the last time ever in a frenzy as I finished up my project, gathered all my things, said goodbye, and flew out the door to catch my flight. Flew to Atlanta and then to Las Vegas, where I arrived about 12:30am (3:30 Richmond time). Ryan and Aunt Penny greeted me, and we drove down the strip on our way to our hotels. The "adults" stayed at Sam's Town, which is a western-themed hotel and casino about five miles off the strip. Ryan and I stayed in a brand new hotel and casino next door called the Eastside Cannery. Our room was nicer, but their place was more fun so we spent most of our gambling and drinking time over there with the family. Plus, Sam's Town has Mystic Falls Park inside with water falls, a laser show, and fake animals that make noise. Always a plus. Anyway, we dropped Aunt Penny off at her hotel, went over to ours, and went straight to bed.
Friday: Met the family at Sam's Town for a buffet breakfast, then the six of us piled into my parents' five person car and drove way out to see the Nascar race track before making our way to the strip. We rode the roller coaster at the Sahara, then visited Treasure Island and the Venetian.

Uncle Tommy, me, and Ryan in front of Treasure Island.
Around 5:00 we went back to Sam's Town to meet up with Aunt Penny's brother and sister-in-law. After an hour in the casino playing the slots for the first time we ate a big steak dinner. Afterwards we drove downtown to Fremont street for $1.99 shrimp cocktails at the Golden Gate and to see the giant television screen that covers the whole street. We also saw sharks by the pool of the Golden Nugget. After all that I think we just went back to our hotels and to bed.
Saturday: Up relatively early to grab something to eat before heading to the race track. Uncle Tommy, Dad, Ryan and myself spent the day at the Nationwide Series race. (Just in case you're not a Nascar person and don't know about these things, there are two races each weekend- the Nationwide Series on the first day is sort of like the minor-league race, and the Sprint Cup Series on the second day is like the major league. I only went to the first day.)

Dad and me at the race.
I cheered for Denny Hamlin because he's from the Richmond area and I've cheered for him before. At one point he was in first place, but about three laps before the finish someone hit him from behind and there were lots of flames and he was out. That race had tons of yellow and red flags, so every time things started moving again there was another wreck. I also *may* have fallen asleep for a few minutes on Ryan's shoulder. After the race and the long time it took to get back to the hotel, we ate dinner and then hung out in the casino. At one point Ryan, my mom, and I watched my dad play a slot machine and mom said "the family that gambles together stays together." Let me add here that we've never been to Vegas as a family (I had never been there at all and my parents hadn't been in thirty years) and we're not really a gambling family (minus that $4 scratcher I won the other day on my lunch break). We didn't go crazy or anything, but it was fun to gamble pennies and quarters together. Plus, this was our first family vacation since Ryan turned twenty-one. So that made for even more fun times. After everyone else went to bed Ryan and I headed back to our hotel for one more drink and another three dollars at the slots, and passed a pistachio shell in the hall on the way to our room.

Sunday: Up early again so Ryan could join my dad, aunt, and uncle for Sunday's race. Mom and I ate breakfast at the hotel, then headed to the strip for a day of sight seeing. We visited the Bellagio and saw the amazing flowers and Chinese-themed display in the Conservatory, plus the world's largest chocolate fountain. We also visited (in no particular order) the MGM Grand and saw the lions, the Flamingo and saw flamingos, the Luxor, the Paris, Excalibur, Caesars Palace, Planet Hollywood, and New York-New York. We ate lunch at a restaurant in the Miracle Mile Shops (where every thirty minutes there was a thunder storm) and stopped in two hotels for a break at the slots (I won $10 at one and $15 at the other).

Conservatory and Botanical Gardens at the Bellagio
After all that we were pooped, so we went back to Sam's Town for a nap. Two hours later the rest of the crew was back from the race so we went to dinner at the hotel and spent the rest of the night in the casino. I finally grew brave enough to try a card game at a table, so I joined Ryan at three-card poker. It's super easy. It was also special because apparently I sat in the exact same seat Ryan sat in for his first game when he was there a few months ago (with Aunt Penny and Uncle Tommy for the National Finals Rodeo). I lost my forty bucks, but Ryan did really well. After we finally went back to our own hotel I tried the slots one last time and won twenty dollars, so I didn't feel as bad about the forty.
Monday: Up to meet everyone at nine and say goodbye to Tommy and Penny. Went with my parents and Ryan back to the strip so they could see the Bellagio. Dad was looking for some special shop so we tried the Forum Shops at Caesars, which didn't have his store but DID have a talking Caesar statue.

Thumbs up for Caesar!
Grabbed lunch at the Paris before hitting the road for home. Fell asleep in the car almost immediately, but Dad woke me up when we drove over Hoover Dam and made me get out so he could take a picture. Spent the rest of the ten hour drive sleeping or singing Broadway show tunes. Finally made it home to Santa Fe after midnight.
And now for the rundown of my trip.
Thursday: Left work for the last time ever in a frenzy as I finished up my project, gathered all my things, said goodbye, and flew out the door to catch my flight. Flew to Atlanta and then to Las Vegas, where I arrived about 12:30am (3:30 Richmond time). Ryan and Aunt Penny greeted me, and we drove down the strip on our way to our hotels. The "adults" stayed at Sam's Town, which is a western-themed hotel and casino about five miles off the strip. Ryan and I stayed in a brand new hotel and casino next door called the Eastside Cannery. Our room was nicer, but their place was more fun so we spent most of our gambling and drinking time over there with the family. Plus, Sam's Town has Mystic Falls Park inside with water falls, a laser show, and fake animals that make noise. Always a plus. Anyway, we dropped Aunt Penny off at her hotel, went over to ours, and went straight to bed.
Friday: Met the family at Sam's Town for a buffet breakfast, then the six of us piled into my parents' five person car and drove way out to see the Nascar race track before making our way to the strip. We rode the roller coaster at the Sahara, then visited Treasure Island and the Venetian.
Uncle Tommy, me, and Ryan in front of Treasure Island.
Around 5:00 we went back to Sam's Town to meet up with Aunt Penny's brother and sister-in-law. After an hour in the casino playing the slots for the first time we ate a big steak dinner. Afterwards we drove downtown to Fremont street for $1.99 shrimp cocktails at the Golden Gate and to see the giant television screen that covers the whole street. We also saw sharks by the pool of the Golden Nugget. After all that I think we just went back to our hotels and to bed.
Saturday: Up relatively early to grab something to eat before heading to the race track. Uncle Tommy, Dad, Ryan and myself spent the day at the Nationwide Series race. (Just in case you're not a Nascar person and don't know about these things, there are two races each weekend- the Nationwide Series on the first day is sort of like the minor-league race, and the Sprint Cup Series on the second day is like the major league. I only went to the first day.)
Dad and me at the race.
I cheered for Denny Hamlin because he's from the Richmond area and I've cheered for him before. At one point he was in first place, but about three laps before the finish someone hit him from behind and there were lots of flames and he was out. That race had tons of yellow and red flags, so every time things started moving again there was another wreck. I also *may* have fallen asleep for a few minutes on Ryan's shoulder. After the race and the long time it took to get back to the hotel, we ate dinner and then hung out in the casino. At one point Ryan, my mom, and I watched my dad play a slot machine and mom said "the family that gambles together stays together." Let me add here that we've never been to Vegas as a family (I had never been there at all and my parents hadn't been in thirty years) and we're not really a gambling family (minus that $4 scratcher I won the other day on my lunch break). We didn't go crazy or anything, but it was fun to gamble pennies and quarters together. Plus, this was our first family vacation since Ryan turned twenty-one. So that made for even more fun times. After everyone else went to bed Ryan and I headed back to our hotel for one more drink and another three dollars at the slots, and passed a pistachio shell in the hall on the way to our room.

Sunday: Up early again so Ryan could join my dad, aunt, and uncle for Sunday's race. Mom and I ate breakfast at the hotel, then headed to the strip for a day of sight seeing. We visited the Bellagio and saw the amazing flowers and Chinese-themed display in the Conservatory, plus the world's largest chocolate fountain. We also visited (in no particular order) the MGM Grand and saw the lions, the Flamingo and saw flamingos, the Luxor, the Paris, Excalibur, Caesars Palace, Planet Hollywood, and New York-New York. We ate lunch at a restaurant in the Miracle Mile Shops (where every thirty minutes there was a thunder storm) and stopped in two hotels for a break at the slots (I won $10 at one and $15 at the other).

Conservatory and Botanical Gardens at the Bellagio
After all that we were pooped, so we went back to Sam's Town for a nap. Two hours later the rest of the crew was back from the race so we went to dinner at the hotel and spent the rest of the night in the casino. I finally grew brave enough to try a card game at a table, so I joined Ryan at three-card poker. It's super easy. It was also special because apparently I sat in the exact same seat Ryan sat in for his first game when he was there a few months ago (with Aunt Penny and Uncle Tommy for the National Finals Rodeo). I lost my forty bucks, but Ryan did really well. After we finally went back to our own hotel I tried the slots one last time and won twenty dollars, so I didn't feel as bad about the forty.
Monday: Up to meet everyone at nine and say goodbye to Tommy and Penny. Went with my parents and Ryan back to the strip so they could see the Bellagio. Dad was looking for some special shop so we tried the Forum Shops at Caesars, which didn't have his store but DID have a talking Caesar statue.
Thumbs up for Caesar!
Grabbed lunch at the Paris before hitting the road for home. Fell asleep in the car almost immediately, but Dad woke me up when we drove over Hoover Dam and made me get out so he could take a picture. Spent the rest of the ten hour drive sleeping or singing Broadway show tunes. Finally made it home to Santa Fe after midnight.
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