Sunday, September 27, 2009

pistachio in a crag?

I've seen about three pistachio shells in the last month or so but haven't taken the time to get pictures or post. None of them were very exciting. But looky what we have here! Allison sent in this picture of a pistachio she and Sam found on a hike last weekend. It looks a little perilous to me, like she had to climb down in a cave or something to get it, so props go to her for documenting this sighting so beautifully!

After they found this pistachio and finished hiking they joined Josh and me in Charlottesville for dinner. That was the dinner when they basically said I'll never see them again. (Well, not never, but not for a long while.) They're moving to the Pacific Northwest, the land where Allison and I originally met so long ago. It's sad to see them go, but I know they're excited about it so that makes me excited for them.

Good luck Allison and Sam, and I'll miss you!


Unknown said...

ANDI!! I AM GOING TO MISS YOU!!!! Since we seem to keep crossing paths in life, I'm just going to assume you're moving to the Seattle area soon which makes me happy. If not, know that there is always a guest room available for a visit!

Unknown said...

And we'll keep an eye out for Pistachios in the PNW!