Thursday, January 19, 2006


The owner of the coffee shop where I work is a little crazy, and sometimes he says or does crazy things. Luckily I have what it takes to put up with/ get along with him. Anyway, every once in a while I'm sure I will want to share the hilarious things he does or says at work, starting now.

This morning I made a fruit smoothie for this nice lady and her daughter to share. Jerry noticed that when I poured the smoothie into two different cups I was actually giving them twenty-eight ounces instead of the twenty ounces they had paid for. I knew this was the case but didn't think it mattered much since I would have either thrown the rest away or kept it for myself. He didn't like this excuse, however, and then compared his personal no-free-eight-ounces-of-smoothie rule to my own personal no-sex-before-marriage rule. "You have your rules," he said,"and I have mine."

With that in mind, all you boys can forget getting any free smoothie from me unless I have your ring on my finger.

p.s. Yes, this awkward conversation means my boss does, indeed, know about my rule, and that is sort of funny in itself.

1 comment:

Justin said...

I figure this blog post can only be made more awkward by me posting a comment, so, hello! Here I am!