Monday, April 13, 2009

Apr. 13.

Today was my birthday. I also happen to share a birthday with Thomas Jefferson. As part of my present Josh made me some temporary tattoos, and today I wore a special one to work.

Since I'm still the new girl a few people sort of glanced at it this morning but didn't want to say anything. I think they thought it might be real (even though you can tell just from the picture it's definitely not real). One guy came up and asked about it, then seemed relieved it was fake. My boss, on the other hand, was disappointed it was only temporary and thought I was showing true dedication. Overall it was a big hit, if I do say so myself.

The folks at work also threw me a little party with cake and ice cream, which was very nice of them. Then Josh and I went out to dinner. Combined with the party my family threw on Saturday, I'd say I had a pretty good birthday.


I'm Jennifer said...

I had mixed feelings when I first glanced at the photo. At first I was super excited that you got a tattoo, then I realized it was fake, and finally, I have to admit, I was glad it was fake purely because I'm not a fan of that placement of tattoos on girls arms. But I didn't doubt for a second that that kind of tattoo would be something you would totally get! Any temptations to go for a real one? Glad you had wonderful birthday celebrations!

ALF said...

Happy belated Birthday! And I'm glad to know that tattoo isn't real - it's a little scary!

Anonymous said...

hey happy b-day is on g. washington's b-day. It seems we have a Presidential connection. You should get a real tattoo for your birthday! well happy birthday. ryan