Sunday, April 05, 2009

sunny weekend

I am loving the warm weather. A lot. It helped make this weekend great.

Saturday I went for a run, and when I got home I opened the windows in my apartment for the first time in several months. Then I headed to Mexican lunch with my grandparents. I had my car cleaned, which I'm pretty excited about, and I bought four books on tape for a total of two bucks at the book sale at the public library downtown (and yes, I meant books on tape because my car still rocks a tape player). I then returned home to take a glorious two hour nap on my couch, before gathering up some laundry and heading back to my grandparents' house. In the evening I accompanied Grandpa to a concert at VCU, which was fun and different.

Sunday I went to church, then over to the grandparents' for lunch. After grabbing gas and an iced latte I stopped by my apartment to change, then joined former co-workers for a walk downtown along the route Lincoln probably took when he visited Richmond on April 4, 1865. It was a fun event, and so great to be out in the sun! I also spotted a pistachio shell on Clay Street in the Court End District. While pistachio sightings are always exciting, this one was fun because friends who read this blog and know my obsession got to experience a sighting first hand.

1 comment:

ALF said...

I'm also in love with warmer weather. It snowed here on Friday but yesterday and today there wasn't a cloud in the sky - I stayed outside most of the day today. It was great. However, I didn't see any pistachio shells. Sorry.