Wednesday, August 26, 2009

dino tat in the hospital

Last Saturday was my first day living and actually hanging out in Charlottesville. Sporting a sweet temporary tattoo of a red stegosaurus, Josh and I went to the farmers market and walked around the downtown mall, stopped by an antiques warehouse, and walked around Barracks Road.

But then I got some news that sent me flying back to Richmond. Grandpa had a stroke Saturday afternoon. I don't know much about strokes or what to expect or what's normal, but things seem to be...okay. He can talk, and is clearly still Grandpa. (When he was still in the emergency room Saturday the nurse came in to ask him questions like "what day is it?" and "what's your full name?" He said his full name and then added, knowing full-well what was going on, "what, do you think I've had a stroke or something?") He walked around a little yesterday, but he will need to spend time in rehab. Today he moved out of the ICU.

So I spent the rest of the weekend in Richmond. I also went back yesterday after work and will plan to go back tomorrow. I'm glad I still live close by.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your grandfather! But it sounds like he is on his way to a quick recovery.
VHS laura

Anonymous said...

Or thoughts go out to you and you family..tell you grandpa, get well soon...rhm

ALF said...

I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa's stroke. I hope he makes a full recovery quickly.