Monday, August 03, 2009

I moved, and then I left town.

Well the move went well. All my stuff is in the new place and I can function enough to go to work and make my lunch. But now I need to get me some internet, because sitting around after work to blog and check Facebook seems a little ridiculous.

Anyway, instead of spending the weekend unpacking and getting settled I headed south to meet up with old friends in Raleigh. Josh went with me and after arriving around 11pm Friday night we went straight to the Jackpot to hang out with the video store gang, even though none of them work at the video store anymore. Saturday Josh and Elizabeth and I went to the popsicle store and ate crazy popsicles (I had Moroccan Curry), left the store to walk a couple of blocks down the street, then went back to the popsicle store for seconds (I had blueberry orange). Saturday evening we went to a cookout with the gang from the night before, and I didn't win the rock-paper-scissors championship. Sunday Josh and I visited the Museum of Life and Science Museum in Durham, which was pretty fun because they have real bears and fake life-size dinosaurs, in addition to the science.


Unknown said...

I've had those crazy popsicles! I tried a chili-cheese flavored one, if I recall correctly. Possibly not their best flavor, nor something I would call a dessert.

ALF said...

We can still be Internet friends! I will still read your blog and will look for pistachio shells to tell you about!