Monday, June 21, 2010


It's summer y'all. And warm. And I'm lovin' it. Slowly but surely I think I am acclimating to the humid south (er, east/southish?). The key is not to move too much. If I move a lot I'm still a giant sweat ball. Anyway...

Friday night Josh and I went for another bike ride. We rode the trail by the river a little bit, then headed toward the downtown mall. We parked our bikes and walked around a lot, and on our walk we came upon a man giving a concert from a garage on the street. It was awesome. Then we ate Chinese food and had the nice little outdoor patio to ourselves. I was a little creeped out by the ride home in the dark, but Josh was prepared and got us both headlamps and flashing red lights to wear on the back of our shorts. We looked like total nerds, but "safety first!"

Yesterday everyone met at my grandparents' house in Richmond for Father's Day lunch. After that we played in the sprinkler with little Bobby, and later that afternoon at my aunt's house we played with him again in a wading pool. I also played lots of Pictionary.

This evening after work I came back to my grandparents' house and sat out on the front porch to work a crossword puzzle, eat dinner, and read a book.

Ahh, summertime.

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