Sunday, January 08, 2012


(Gasp, two posts in one day!)

My parents have still been around since before Christmas. Last Monday they came to Charlottesville and stayed in a hotel for three nights doing touristy things while I worked. Then Thursday the three of us drove to DC for a few days. Our first stop was Mt. Vernon, George Washington's home. We toured the house and visited the museum and I finally got to experience the multi-media film where it really snows on you!

After Mt. Vernon we took the scenic route along the Potomac and drove from Alexandria to Leesburg, where we went to dinner with Uncle Richard. Then we stayed at his place.

Friday after breakfast we drove to a metro station and took the train to the National Mall, where we walked around the WWII memorial and the new MLK Jr. memorial. Then we went to the American History museum for a couple hours, and to the Portrait Gallery for a couple hours. We ate dinner in Chinatown, then headed back to Leesburg for the night.

Saturday we had breakfast with Uncle Richard and he showed us around his condo complex, and then we drove to the National Cathedral. We spent a couple hours there, then drove to Old Town Alexandria to eat. After walking around a little more and getting ice cream, it was time to head back to Charlottesville.

It was a fun little trip, and now my parents are on their way back to New Mexico.

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