And in her own word, "Wahoo!"
I'll start where I left off. Thursday Amy had to work half the day so I had breakfast with Katie and Andrew, and then we went for a walk around the university. After meeting back up with Amy all four of us headed to the Big Sky Brewery for free beer tastings, then I went with Amy to get her nails done.

After that her family started to arrive, so we went to the hotel where everyone would be staying and hung out with them at the hotel bar. Then we were hungry so we headed out to dinner, and after all the chatting and drink ordering and appetizer eating and dinner eating we finally left three hours later. Everyone was pretty tired so we just hung out at the hotel a little and went to bed.
Friday I went with Amy and another bridesmaid to meet the groom Andy at the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula for a Fourth of July pancake breakfast. We ate the last of the pancakes and bacon and visited the booth of the Montana Surveying Reenactment Corps where the men were dressed like the olden days and displayed old surveying tools. They had some old odometers for wagons, and guess who already knew about those? That's right, I did. From there we headed to Amy and Andy's new house so they could show it off to her family. She also showed off the mosaic I made her, which matches her blue house perfectly.

After hanging out at the hotel again it was time to head to the wedding rehearsal at the church. We bridesmaids made a stop for ice cream on the way. The rehearsal went fine, except that her mom couldn't figure out how the lighting of the unity candle was supposed to work, which became the running joke for the rest of the weekend. From the rehearsal everyone went to dinner, which was extra exciting for me because my friend (and sophomore roommate) Melissa met us there. We haven't seen her since Katie's wedding two years ago. The dinner was good and fun, and the fun only continued when everyone (guys, girls, family, etc.) all headed out to the bar. Finally poor Amy got tired and ready for bed, so we headed back to the hotel to sleep.

Here we have Katie, Me, Amy, and Melissa. I already miss those girls.
Saturday was the big day. I woke up a little earlier than planned and headed out for a walk to a couple of the Saturday markets downtown. Then we were supposed to start getting our hair and makeup done at 9:30. That went on for a few hours in our hotel suite, until we were finally all beautiful and ready to head to the church. There we got Amy into her dress and shoes and proceeded to wait longer than expected for the photographer to show up. Finally she did so we took lots of pictures (well, I didn't take any, but I was in several) before whisking Amy away so arriving guests wouldn't see her.
The ceremony was perfect. Everyone immediately became teary-eyed when Amy's dad led her down the aisle. I didn't forget Andy's ring. The unity candle part went smoothly. It was all very nice. Afterwards a Mustang convertible met them outside as we all blew bubbles and cheered loudly.
The reception was SO MUCH FUN. It was at a park next to the river, and there was good food, lots of local beer, and an amazingly fun band. Everyone danced the night away and had a great time.
As you can see I don't actually have any pictures of my own from the wedding or reception, so if I get those any time soon maybe I'll share them. But I will leave you with this photo of Andrew, because when it comes to Amy and Andy's wedding in Missoula, we all felt like this: