Thursday, March 05, 2009

SF Rail Yard

Today Ryan and I joined my dad downtown for lunch, and then I hung out around the new rail yard area where new shops and galleries are popping up. I went in some stores, walked through the new rail park, and then headed to a new coffee shop to read. On my way there I ran into a former boss of mine from high school. He said "Hi Andi! We were just talking about you the other day because of that time you had to pick up poop." I haven't seen him since 2002. Awesome.

Last night Dad and I went to see The Wrestler. That movie inspired me to start weight lifting, so I stopped in the rail park to try and pick up a dumbbell.

Then on my way back to my dad's office to meet him and head home I had another pistachio sighting! See that flat brown building in the background? (Haha, most buildings in Santa Fe are flat and brown.) That's the state capitol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a Beef Cake...