Sunday, June 30, 2013


I'm tired, ya'll. Between getting up early to run and staying up late to read or be social or just because I'm stupid and waste time on the internet, I'm feeling a little sleep deprived.

But this weekend I got a little more rest in than usual. First, I didn't stay out Friday night past 10:30. That's something. But then I got up at 4:30 in order to be ready to run 30 minutes outside of town at 6:15am. The 13-mile run went really well though, so that was nice. After I was home and showered and had a little food, I took a nap. When the alarm went off I reset it and took a little more nap. Then I read history. And after a while it was time for another nap. Then some more history and dinner and grocery shopping, followed by more history reading.

This morning I set the alarm for 7:30 but snoozed it a few times and basically just kept sleeping until nearly 9. I needed it. Then I spent most of the day reading history, with some laundry and picking up around the apartment thrown in. Now I've been to church and had dinner and it's time for more reading. And hopefully I will go to bed at a decent hour so I can get up early in the morning to run and start the whole week over again.

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