Friday, January 25, 2008

Roughing It

"Nothing helps scenery like ham and eggs."

So wrote Mark Twain in the humorous account of his mail coach ride to the Wild West in Roughing It. That also happens to be a quote I include in my thesis. Just now I pulled down my paperback copy of the book to check the page number, and on that very page with the ham and eggs quote is the following handwritten note:

"I got whipped one night for just saying I was glad I was not a decendant of one of the pioneer women of California, but it did not change my mind. -HCS"

HCS was my great grandfather, and apparently he loved to read Mark Twain and take notes in the margins. In fact, his above quote is written in blue ink, but "women" is underlined in red pencil. It's neat to see how engaged he was with the book through his underlinings, scribblings, and asterisks. This is one book I'll keep for a long time.


ALF said...

Did I tell you that I'm contemplating getting a PhD in history? Are you doing your PhD or Masters?

andi said...

No you didn't tell me! What are you working on now? Or is that done? I'm just doing my Masters for now...

ALF said...

Right now I'm finishing up my Master's in political science - I have to get my thesis finished by March 1 so I can graduate in May. My concentration is political philosophy and the program here doesn't offer enough classes to continue on to get a PhD. I really love American history, I'm also so interested when you write about what you're doing, so I'm thinking of seeing what kind of a PhD program the history department has to offer...I'll have to keep you posted!

andi said...

Definitely keep me updated. Are you wanting to teach at the college level? And I don't even want to talk about thesis deadlines...