Friday, January 04, 2008

MIA from the Blogosphere

Howdy folks, long time no see. It's crazy how being busy having a good time leaves me with zero ideas for blog posts.

I can't tell you about my New Year's Resolutions, because I don't make them. I thought about giving a Year in Review, but you can just go through the archives for that. I spent a split second trying to think of a good Story from Andi's Childhood, but nothing came that quickly.

So instead I will give you a boring list of recent things, just to catch you up.

I saw Sweeney Todd. It was fun. But I won't lie, I wish their voices were better. I mean, it is a musical. I spent about a third of the movie giving my dad's arm the death grip and looking away from the screen.

I still believe Danny is the Cutest Dog Ever.

I made Martha Washington Balls, Peanut Butter Balls, and Biscochito cookies.

I've been dancin'.

I watched my cousin Jay propose to a girl on Christmas Day, and she said yes. Before that I was the Keeper of the Ring, because I'm Responsible.

I learned some chords on the ukulele.

I went to the American Civil War Center, Colonial Williamsburg, and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

I ate lucky black eyed peas on New Year's Day.

I was a Tetris champion.


OTN said...

Sweeney Todd was awesome

ALF said...

ok, we should be friends...

I love Colonial Williamsburg. I mostly wish that I had majored in American history...

I LOVE tetris and am also a champion at it!

What the heck are Martha Washington balls?

andi said...

Blaire- it was, but you have to agree the singing could have been better...

ALF- Martha Washington balls are coconut and pecans (plus sugar and butter) chopped up and dipped in chocolate. They're delicious. They also lead to Grandpa constantly saying "I didn't know she had balls."

ALF said...

HA HA HA! Grandpa's are great.