Friday, September 05, 2008

If it's not one thing it's the other.

This is moving weekend, but if you live in the area or if you've heard anything about the tropical storm that is "approaching hurricane status" on this side of the country you know this is not ideal moving weather. But I shouldn't be surprised, because none of my moving plans have held up so far.

All of my stuff from my apartment (minus clothes and the few things I have now at my grandparents' house in Richmond) is in two portable storage boxes in Raleigh. If I had moved to Chapel Hill as planned everything would have worked out great, because they would have delivered my boxes to the new place at no extra cost. But moving them three hours away to Richmond? That costs your firstborn child. So I moved onto plan two (after much fretting and even some crying) which switched from going down to Raleigh myself and renting a truck and bringing all my stuff up north to instead hiring someone to go down and bring all my stuff up for me in their own truck. Plan two was supposed to take place over Labor Day weekend.

When the landlord called and said the old tenant had a change of plans and wouldn't be moving out until Labor Day weekend, I fretted again. But my moving guy gladly switched the date to the next week -Saturday- and plan three seemed just fine. Until Hanna showed up.

The storage place in Raleigh has already decided to close shop tomorrow because of the weather. If it weren't for me having the nicest moving guy ever, I probably wouldn't be moving until next weekend. Instead, nicest moving guy ever is currently implementing plan four by braving the storm in North Carolina to move my stuff tonight, and he'll keep it dry in his truck until the weather clears and he can move it into my apartment.

Let's hope plan four doesn't fail me.

1 comment:

ALF said...

Isn't moving just the best? I hope the weather doesn't get too bad for you. Stay safe!