Sunday, September 07, 2008


Well the movers finally got my stuff into the apartment and nothing was broken or wet, so that's great. Now, however, my apartment is a royal mess. Thankfully I get to keep staying at my grandparents' house until the new place is livable. This afternoon the furniture arrived and then I spent hours and hours cleaning. I scrubbed the kitchen and the bathroom and it took so long and was so tiring I'm about to collapse. Judy and Sunni came and helped get the kitchen ready. There's still tons to do though, and the most annoying part is that the landlord hasn't finished painting yet. He still has to do the baseboards and door and window frames. So I can't even arrange furniture because everything is in the middle of the rooms. I'll be happy when it's all done and everything is arranged and pictures are hung on the walls and I have rugs and all the furniture I need.

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