Sunday, October 18, 2009

hangin' in there

The doctor is now saying that maybe my dad didn't actually have a heart attack, which is good. He's still in ICU but should move down today, and hopefully he can come home tomorrow! When I finally got to see him last night he looked a little harried, but that was because right when he was going to eat lunch they snatched it away from him and told him to lie flat and motionless for four hours. Misery. He finally got to eat and then his family (mom, Ryan, and me) came to see him and he had the Nascar race on the television, so he perked up quite a bit.


Anonymous said...

Hope your father has a quick recovery. I will be thinking about your family. Laura S.

ALF said...

Hoping for a quick recovery!

Katie and Andrew said...

Hey there,

We've been thinking about you guys. Hope things are well. Wish we could see you since we're so close! But not close enough...

Lets chat soon.
Katie and Andrew