Friday, September 21, 2007

Looking North

I've been thinking about moving to New England. Ok, that's not really true. But I've definitely been thinking about how I've never been there but I bet I would love it and maybe when I'm finally done with school in three more years I'll go up there. I hear it gets pretty cold, but I think I can handle it. I used to want to go into the Peace Corps and I was eyeing those cold Eurasian countries. Ok I'll be honest, I mostly preferred those places because I'm afraid of bugs and snakes and heat with no air conditioning.

Anyway, here's what my past four years looked like:
-A semester of school in Tacoma
-A semester of school in London followed by a month of travelling around Europe
-My final semester of school in Tacoma, then a few months working and hanging out
-A year in Richmond at two different jobs
-A year of grad school in Raleigh
-A summer in Richmond
-and back to Raleigh.

As you can see, I move around a lot. In fact, in about a month I will have had my current apartment longer than I've lived in any one place since I graduated from high school and left Santa Fe. (Sort of. In some ways my grandparents' house in Richmond wins because I still go there all the time and always have my same room to live in. But you get the idea.)

So I guess I'm just getting antsy. Alas, I still have quite a while to go in North Carolina.

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