Saturday, September 22, 2007

more on that movie, because apparently I'm obsessed

So I decided to make use of the internet and actually look up that movie Kevin Costner is filming (with my dad!) and it's called Swing Vote. And then I looked at the cast list, which includes Nathan Lane (Ryan saw him at the hotel a few weeks ago), Kelsey Grammer, Deniss Hopper, Stanley Tucci, and George Lopez. And if you keep scrolling down the list you come to... Joe Gallegos, who plays a reporter. I know Joe! In real life! We were friends in junior high (and lots of kids wanted us to be more than friends, but that didn't happen even after he gave me flowers for my birthday) and kept in touch through mutual friends in high school and a little in college. The last time I saw him was a couple years ago in Santa Fe- he met a friend and me downtown for drinks. Anyway, just another way I'm connected to this movie and Kevin Costner!

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