Friday, February 09, 2007

oh dear

I'm having some serious procrastination issues today. And yesterday. The plan was to write my book review yesterday and fix it up today, leaving the rest of the weekend to read for next week's classes. No paper was written yesterday. Neither was anything read. And today? As of now I have two paragraphs down. Two paragraphs. It was very hard to get started. First I slept in, then I went for a run, then I ate lunch, then I got an email that indicated I needed to drive all the way to school just to pick up a photocopied article, then I got back and decided I needed to eat some chips and salsa, which meant I had to fight with the salsa jar for five minutes before it would open. Then I put sweats on and made a salad to eat in front of the tv, and from there I gravitated to the internet and Homestar Runner. Finally, finally at about 7:30 I decided it was time to start this paper. I did some stretches, jumped around on the furniture, made some crazy noises, and started drinking coffee. After this little pre-paper-writing workout I was about to get started when I instead decided to call my brother. Unfortunately he couldn't chat long. So I knuckled-down-buckled-down and started typing. Like I said, two paragraphs. Then it was time to check my email, and go through old saved emails to get rid of things I didn't need anymore, and then I thought I should probably reply to an email from a college friend I got back in August. Then I needed to eat some pistachios and get another cup of coffee. It's 11:20 now, and I still plan on writing more of this paper. I'm ridiculous.

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