Sunday, September 16, 2007

Weekend Review

Friday: Slept until 11, finally read a chapter, went to school for a meeting about my thesis, looked at a couple of books at the library, went to an HGSA meeting at Mitch's for two hours (ugh), came home and wasted lots of time, finally read one more chapter (I think?).

Saturday: Slept until 9, read, went for a run (finally- it's been over two weeks), read more, made biscuits for dinner, went to The Nanny Diaries with Elizabeth, came home to read more.

Sunday: Couldn't wake up in time for the early church service (early being 9:30) so slept more and read, then went to later service (11:30). Home to read and grade papers for the rest of the day, including some more I'm about to go do.

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