Monday, December 03, 2007

Chingedy Ching (hee-haw, hee-haw)

My friend Elizabeth heard a Christmas song on the radio and she became obsessed with learning about it and finding others who had heard it, too. Last I heard she'd only come up with one person, a girl from Boston. The other night she even gave us a rendition of the song, and hoo boy do I wish we'd had a video camera.

Well just now she IMed me to turn on the radio, and sure enough her ridiculous song really does exist. It's "Dominick the Italian Christmas Donkey," and for your listening pleasure follow the link. It'll surely put you in the holiday spirit!


I'm Jennifer said...

I've totally heard that song, sooooo many times. My first dental office job, they played the radio station that does 24 hours of Christmas music from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Dominick the Donkey was on at least once a day.

andi said...

It was the 24 hour Christmas station that we heard it on here, too.

ALF said...

OH MY GOD! That song used to play on the radio where I grew up in New Jersey at Christmas time. I haven't lived in NJ in almost 5 years, and didn't go to college in NJ so whenever I have tried to explain that song to anyone, they all think I am insane - who would write a song about an Italian Christmas Donkey. That is an awesome song.

Next you must hear the 12 Pains of Christmas. Also excellent.

Anonymous said...

But there has yet to be a song about Ralph, the Kwanzaa Kudu...where's the justice?

Anonymous said...

Yessss! I finally made your blog, even if it seems like you've made me appear less awesome than I actually am...

andi said...

Elizabeth, I've mentioned you a billion times on here, you just don't read it.