Sunday, December 02, 2007

Things that went down this weekend:

Friday: Slept in, read some stuff, and went to dinner at my professor's house for mole enchiladas and mulled wine.

Saturday: Slept in even more, wasted time around the apartment, went for a run, read an article, graded some papers, pulled out my cello for the first time in Raleigh and scratched out some Christmas carols, graded more, and watched a movie.

Sunday: Slept in (again!), worked on my paper, went to church at 6, watched some TV, and worked on the paper a little more.

In other news, Ryan moved out of the house Saturday and the family is experiencing a sad empty nest. My parents are sad, Ryan is sad, and the thought of going home to visit (some day, maybe next summer, who knows?) and not having him in the same house makes me sad.

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